Cadastral et géoportail - How to create reports to facilitate your sales
V110423 - Pack Loi Alur - Langue: ENG
Formation créée le 08/06/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 10/05/2023.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
This e-learning module, will show you, how to obtain information from the cadastre (cadastral plan, matrix, state of sections)? Do they have any legal value? Before putting a property up for sale, the land register must be consulted. What exactly is it used for? How to check the parcels of the property and why it is necessary to do so. How to use the Geoportal website. During this e-learning course you will work individually. Your trainer will be available to support you throughout the course via your e-learning extranet account. IMPORTANT: This e-learning module has a delay for completion of 6 weeks, starting from the date you receive your access link to the module.
Objectifs de la formation
- Understand what the cadastre really is (administrative department under the General Directorate of Public Finance, plans and administrative files
- Appreciate the role of the land registry in relation to the sale of properties
- Your obligations to verify accurate information about the parcels involved in a sale
- Find out how to search for parcels on the cadastral and geoportal sites; create cadastral printouts and check the size of parcels
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Estate Agent professional in activity
- Negotiator
- Sales Agent
- Knowledge of the world of estate agency
Contenu de la formation
What is the cadastre?
What is it for?
- What can you do with the elements of the land register?
What can be found in the land register?
- Different sections
- What the sections indicate for each parcel
- The cadastral matrix - what is it?
Are land registry documents available to everyone?
- Decree 2012-59 of 18 January 2012 on the provision of certain cadastral information to the public
Is land registry information important for creating a concrete sales mandate?
Obtaining cadastral information on the internet to put a house up for sale?
- How to search for a plot?
- How to search for a property address?
- How to create a list of parcels?
- How to check plot measurements?
- How to create a cadastral map?
How to use the Geoportal site?
- How to format and create an aerial image?
TECHNICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASSISTANCE Your trainer, Judith whitlow, is a specialist in the sector of property sales and negotiation since 2010. Bachelor of Education (BEd Hons, Cambridge).
- Registration and online welcome
- E-learning video
- Case studies to be handed in after the module is viewed.
- Questionnaire of satisfaction
- Delivery of a certificate of attendance and a certificate of completion of the training course via Digiforma
- Welcome for trainees
- Support documents for training content
- E-learning video
- Theoretical presentations
- Online availability of support documents following the training
- Working individually
- Training support is available from your trainer throughout the duration of the course