How to Handle Objections
V110423 Pack Loi Alur - Langue: English
Formation créée le 08/06/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 17/01/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
This module explains why your customers raise objections and how you can turn objections into positive progress, to help you close a sale. You will be given tips and examples of objections and how to deal with them. During this course you will work individually. Your trainer will be available to support you throughout the course via your e-learning extranet. IMPORTANT: This e-learning module has a delay for completion of 6 weeks, starting from the date you receive your access link to the module.
Objectifs de la formation
- Understand why your customers raise objections
- Develop confidence to handle objections
- Understand how best to respond to objections
- Understand how to turn objections into positives
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Estate Agent professional in activity
- Negotiator
- Sales Agent
- Knowledge of the world of estate agency
Contenu de la formation
Objections, fear and rejection - your obstacles
Objections are positive commitments
Your emotions when faced with objections
Time - very important and effective factor
Do you understand your professional promises and your specific services?
Your responses in relation to the specific situations of your clients; the features and benefits of your services
Examples of customer objections and your responses
TECHNICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASSISTANCE Your trainer, Judith whitlow, is a specialist in the sector of property sales and negotiation since 2010. Bachelor of Education (BEd Hons, Cambridge).
- Registration and online welcome
- E-learning vidéo
- Quiz
- Case studies to be handed in after the module is viewed. Evaluation grid: validation > 70% correct answers
- Delivery of a certificate of attendance and a certificate of completion of the training course via Digiforma
- Questionnaire of satisfaction
- Welcome for trainees
- Support documents for training content
- E-learning video
- Theoretical presentations
- Online availability of support documents following the training
- Working individually
- Training support is available from your trainer throughout the duration of the course