Discrimination in Property Sales
V1104230 Eng
Formation créée le 06/04/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 04/10/2023.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation Version PDF
Be equipped to carry out a property transaction with objectivity; be aware of inequalities and discriminations in estate agency business, of their respective seriousness with regard to the law and understand the legislation governing discrimination in the industry. Gain an understanding of why people discriminate, predisposed personalities and situations which cause people and groups to discriminate; the definitions of discrimination; categories of discrimination within the workplace and various punishments by law for proven acts of discrimination. This training course complies with decree no. 2020-1259 of 14 October 2020 amending decree no. 2016-173 of 18 February 2016 on the continuing education of real estate professionals and various subsequent amends. This e-learning module has a delay for completion of 3 months, starting from the date you receive your access link to the module.
Objectifs de la formation
- Understand the property charter and laws governing discrimination
- Understand your obligations with regard to recognising and acting on discrimination, under Loi Hoguet and Loi Alur
- Be able to define the types of discrimination, acts of discrimination and criteria of discrimination
- Be able to recognise discriminatory action in your role as sales agent
- Explore the reasons why people discriminate, from a personality and social perspective
- Understand what to do should you witness discrimination
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Estate Agent professional in activity
- Negotiator
- Sales Agent
- Knowledge of the world of estate agency
Contenu de la formation
Overview and Chartre relative de la Lutte Contre Discrimination
Definition of discrimination
Types and elements of discrimination
Act and criteria of discriminatory actions
Sanctions punishing discrimination
Why do people discriminate?
Signs of discrimination in property sales - direct and indirect
What to do if you witness discrimination?
TECHNICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASSISTANCE Your trainer, Amanda BREMNER has 30 years experience in training; many in the estate agency industry, along with practical in the field experience.
- Registration and online welcome
- E-learning video
- Quiz to be completed after the module is viewed. Evaluation grid: validation > 70% correct answers
- Delivery of a certificate of attendance and a certificate of completion of the training course via Digiforma
- Questionnaire of satisfaction
- Welcome for trainees
- Support documents for training content
- E-learning video
- Theoretical presentations
- Online availability of support documents following the training
- Working individually
- Training support is available from your trainer throughout the duration of the course