Crafting the Elevator Pitch to Win Mandates - video module
V110423 - ENG
Formation créée le 01/04/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 18/01/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation Version PDF
How to use the elevator pitch to engage prospects and attract more customers. Understand that the effectiveness of your pitches offers you a way to effectively engage with your clients upon opening a conversation, maintain effective communication and increase your sales, IMPORTANT: This e-learning module has a delay for completion of 3 months, starting from the date you receive your access link to the module.
Objectifs de la formation
- Understand what an elevator pitch is and its essential components
- Understand how an effective elevator pitch can increase your earning potential
- Be able to identify and learn the skills to enable you to create your elevator pitches
- Give you the confidence to create and use your own elevator pitches
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Estate Agent professional in activity
- Negotiator
- Sales Agent
- Knowledge of the world of property sales
Contenu de la formation
What is an elevator pitch?
Proposition - what does a vendor really want?
Features and Benefits - what can you and your agency offer?
Rules for creating the perfect elevator pitch
Method of creating the perfect elevator pitch
Examples of elevator pitch content
The importance of a call to action
Be ready to deliver an elevator pitch
Practice is the way to perfection
TECHNICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASSISTANCE Your trainer, Amanda Bremner is a specialist in the sector of property sales and negotiation.
- E-learning video / Vidéo E-learning
- Case studies to be handed in after the module is viewed. Evaluation grid: validation > 70% correct answers / Etudes de cas à remettre après le visionnage du module. Grille d'évaluation : validation > 70% de bonnes réponses
- Delivery of a certificate of attendance and a certificate of completion of the training course via Digiforma
- Questionnaire of satisfaction
- Welcome on line
- Support documents for training content / Documents d'appui pour le contenu de la formation
- E-learning video
- Theoretical case studies / Etudes de cas théoriques
- Online availability of support documents following the training / Disponibilité en ligne des documents d'aide après la formation
- Working individually /Travail individuel
- Training support is available from your trainer throughout the duration of the course/ Un soutien à la formation est disponible auprès de votre formateur pendant toute la durée du cours.